Maple Lake, MN – Lake Improvement District (LID) Wright County, MN
Maple Lake LID Wright County, MN Approval Notification | November 2017
This letter is to let Maple Lake shoreline property owners know that at the November 11, 2017 Wright County Board of Commissioners meeting, the formation of the Maple Lake Improvement District Wright County (MLIDWC) was unanimously approved. This meeting followed a public hearing on October 23, 2017.
The MLIDWC effective date is January 1, 2018, to be managed by a temporary board of directors appointed by the Commission.
By statute the first MLIDWC property owners meeting must be held In August & a date of the first Saturday in August, 2018 is planned. At this initial meeting, proposed assessments for 2019 will be discussed and voted on by the membership.
Also at this meeting, all five officer/director positions will be up for election. All members of the Maple Lake Improvement District Wright County are eligible to run, and are encouraged to do so.
The approval of the LID is critically important for our lake as it provides an ongoing source of funding for lake improvement projects that will help us fulfill our mission adopted by the MLIDWC & ML-LPOA.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the Interim LID President, Michael Raiche.
Maple Lake LID Progress | August 31, 2017
Date: August 26, 2017
To: MLLPOA Members
From: MLLPOA LID Committee, Mike Raiche
Subject: Petition Status – 2nd Town Hall Meeting – Current Status
A second Town Hall Meeting was held on August 26th at the High School to bring Lake Association members up to date with the progress of the LID formation.
Continued thanks to all those supporting the effort to keep the lake clean and beautiful with their time and resources.
The initial LID formation petition was submitted to Wright County on 7/24/17, at which time the proposed bylaws, LID boundaries, petition, and recommended projects were reviewed and discussed.
The amount of the assessment to each property owner will be based on a calculation dividing the total budget approved by the LID members by the total number of members in the LID district. Each member/property will be assessed an equal amount. There will be a few exceptions for LID members owning more than one property if they have identical title holders,
On 8/18/17 a notice was received from Wright County regarding validation issues on a few petitions (not signed, different signature than tax report). These issues were resolved.
A discussion was held on how the budget would be put together, once the LID was formed. For Maple Lake it is divided into three parts: Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) control, Wright County Soil & Water projects, and administrative fees. These are all posted in the minutes on the MLLPOA website, along with questions and answers.
On 8/22/17 Wright County notified Mike Raiche that we have exceeded the minimum number of petitions required to form a LID. All were received, audited and verified.
The Wright County Board of Commissioners will now meet to establish a town hall meeting and then provide a ruling on the petition.
Maple Lake LID Progress | August 3, 2017
1- August 26th planned Meeting agenda
2- Planned Budget review
DATE: August 1, 2017
TO: Property Owners – Maple Lake Improvement District (MLID)
SUBJECT: Petition Status Update and Membership Meeting Scheduled for August 26, 2017
AT: Maple Lake High School Cafeteria – 9:00 AM
Our thanks to all those supporting the Maple Lake Improvement District (MLID) Committee’s efforts in obtain the necessary signatures allowing submission of the LID Petition to the Wright County Board. At this writing, more than 53% of affected property owners signed the petition, with more being received daily.
The MLLPOA LID committee submitted the petition, along with the necessary documents, to the Wright County Attorney and Wright County Treasurer on Monday, July 24th. A copy was also mailed to the Department of Natural Resources.
Support from Wright County, Maple Lake Township, the DNR, and Wright County Soil & Water has been encouraging, and approval of the MLID is expected after the petition signatures are verified and the required notices issued.
During our meeting with the County, it was learned the deadline for submission of a MLID budget for inclusion in the 2018 property tax statements is November 30. Before a budget can be submitted to the County, it requires approval by the property owners included in the MLID. By statute, the first meeting must be held during July or August, prompting this notice of the first meeting, to be held at 9:00AM Saturday, August 26th, at the Maple Lake Public High School.
At the meeting, a MLID status update will be provided, and member questions answered. Most importantly, and in anticipation of MLID approval from the Wright County Board of Commissioners, a proposed budget has been prepared for membership review. A copy is attached. This budget is intended to determine the first assessment to be included in each MLID member’s 2018 property tax statement.
The attached budget was prepared in conjunction with PLM Lake and Land Management, Inc. (PLM), the DNR, and Wright County Soil & Water. The budget is in line with what we feel is needed next year for lake weed (Invasive Aquatic Species – or AIS) control.
Hope to see you at 9:00 Saturday morning, August 26, at the Maple Lake High School Cafeteria. Bring your questions and suggestions. This is your lake.
Maple Lake – Lake Property Owners Association, Inc.
MLID Formation Committee
Maple Lake LID moves forward
The LID committee has submitted our petition to Wright County for the formation of our LID – Lake Improvement District for Maple Lake.
The MN DNR is also in the process of reviewing and advising on what their thoughts are.
The process is still long, but all indications are we are moving in the right direction.
So many people that have worked so hard and the efforts they have made in this drive have been very much appreciated. Thank you!
The feedback we got from property owners as we went through this process really shows how much so many care for the overall quality of Maple Lake.
Please continue to solicit your neighbor’s support with the petitions, as they are a confirmation of our objective and they are reviewed as part of this process.
Thank You – LID committee
Maple Lake LID Town Hall Meeting Notes:
On 6-24-17 a Town Hall meeting was held to discuss the pro’s & con’s of our lake setting up a LID. (Lake Improvement District)
A good showing of about 100 members was present, along with special guests to answer specific questions:
– Darek Vetsch – Wright County Commissioner District 2
– Brian Asleson – Chief Deputy Attorney -Wright County Government Center
– Kathleen Metzler DNR Contact Land Use Hydrologist / St Paul Office
– Sheldon Brown – Attorney – ML-LPOA
A review of the quality of our lake along with a presentation of “Why a LID is important?” to maintain Maple Lake quality was presented.
After the presentation, an hour of dialogue and Q&A’s took place.
How is the tax assessment based?
- Assessments are based on planned, budgeted projects for the year determined by the ML-LID Board.
- If we use the last 2 years as an example cost would have been under $8.50/month cost.
- Projects need to be submitted, followed by a Budget submitted on yearly basis
Who chooses what projects are involved with the LID?
- MN DNR encouraged us to keep it broad.
- PLM Lake & Land Management & Wright Soil and Water Conservation help the Maple Lake LID board decide on what projects our Lake is in need of.
- The Association still has control on what projects to implement. Those will be voted on at an Annual Spring Maple Lake LID Board Meeting.
Who is on the Maple Lake LID board?
- Approximately five members – all local year-round residents of Maple Lake.
What guarantee is there on how the dollars are assessed?
- There are strict rules set by the state of MN (DNR) on how project costs are selected.
- All costs are controlled through ML-LPOA.
What projects will be ran through the Lake Improvement District for Maple Lake?
- Aquatic Invasive Species Treatment & Control
- Water Quality Projects
- Inlet-Outlet structures
- Boat Inspections
- Shoreline restoration
- Water Level Augmentation
Projects NOT funded by the Maple Lake Lake Improvement District:
- Walleye stocking
- Fishing contest
What will it cost?
Cost examples:
- 2015 Total Expense $29,200.00 / 290 members = $101.00 Proposed Annual LID tax amount
- 2016 Total Expense $27,600.00 / 290 members =$95.00 Proposed Annual LID tax amount
- Future:
$25,000.00 Aquatic Invasive Species Spray control plus $10,000.00 Aquatic Invasive Species Harvest control $35,000.00 = $121.00 Proposed LID tax amount
Recap of Costs
This is a Project Based Assessment / Tax.
- Costs may fluctuate yearly with input from our lake committees
- Maple Lake LID accounts are held completely independent of the ML-LPOA accounts
How did we get here?
At the Association’s annual meeting May 6th, 2017 the ML-LPOA President reported to the membership that our Board is seeking a motion to explore our ability to re-establish the natural condition of the lake.
A motion was passed to review what steps are need to establish a Lake Improvement District (LID) around Maple Lake’s body of water.
The proposal includes all properties shown in green will be included in the district. These are any properties that are within 100 feet of the lake shore.
During this process the DNR will also review any additional suggestions.
What’s next?
We need YOUR help implementing the Lake Improvement District for Maple Lake. We need Maple Lake Property Owners signatures on the Petition.
Print out the Petition for Creation of the Maple Lake – Lake Improvement District and sign it. (Get your lake neighbors to sign it, too!) Return all signed petitions to any ML-LPOA Board Member.
Click HERE to print the petition.
Let any of the folks listed below know and we’ll be glad to stop by and pick it up. Don’t worry about the Tax Parcel ID number(s) we can fill that in for you.
Mike Raiche
Bob Porter
Bob Johnson
Tony Heying
Brian Peterson
Greg Thomes
Or you can mail it back to us at:
PO Box 460
Maple Lake Mn 55358