Walleye Stocking 2024

Gordy Paumen met with the MN DNR at the County Road 37 Little Maple lake access on Tuesday Oct 14th to supervise the walleye stocking.

MN DNR delivered 419 walleye to finish out 2024.

Gordy commented “I was very impressed with the size and health of the delivery.”

This brings 3139 walleye for a total of 524 pounds for 2024

2024 Walleye stocking was paid for by MN DNR.  MLLPOA pays for walleye stocking on odd years.

2024 Walleye Stocking Maple Lake MN
2024 Walleye Stocking Maple Lake MN
2024 Walleye Stocking Maple Lake MN
MLLPOA Quality Sunfish Initiative

MLLPOA is exploring a QSI for Maple Lake

Sunfish numbers in Maple Lake are relatively low; however the size structure is above average for the area. Historical summer trap net surveys rarely sample Sunfish over 8 inches and do not appear to represent the true size structure of the Bluegill population. Recent studies found that targeted sampling around spawning time appears to give a better representation of the size structure of the Sunfish population. In 2015, a spring targeted survey sampled 614 Sunfish ranging in length from 3.4 – 9.8 inches with an average length of 6.5 inches. Seventy-two percent of the Sunfish sampled were longer than 6 inches and 12% were longer than 8 inches. Growth is average taking about 4 years to reach 6 inches and 6 years to reach 8 inches. Previous success on other lakes with a reduced bag leads us to believe that by reducing the bag limit to 5 or 10 will help protect and possibly improve the existing size structure.

Check back on this page for updates!

Walleye Stocking 2020

The DNR completed their stocking program in Maple Lake on Friday October 9, 2020.  This year the fish were released into Little Maple.  The amount of fish was 396 pounds.  This amount is based on the littoral zone of the lake which is 396 acres.  The stocking program calls for 1 pound of fingerling Walleye per acre.

The MN DNR defines “Littoral Zone” as the shallow transition zone between dry land and the open water area of the lake. In Minnesota waters, the littoral zone extends from the shore to a depth of about 15 feet, depending on water clarity. The shallow water, abundant light, and nutrient-rich sediment provide ideal conditions for plant growth. Aquatic plants, in turn, provide food and habitat for many animals such as fish, frogs, birds, muskrats, turtles, insects, and snails.

Mike Polencheck works with the MN DNR to bring this program to Maple Lake.  The lake association is on an “every other year” cycle with the DNR.  As you recall, the ML-LPOA paid for Walleye stocking in 2019.  This year, the DNR paid for the stock.  In 2021 the ML-POA will pay.

October 2019
400lbs of Walleye fingerling were introduced to Maple Lake at the Hwy 55 Beach access.

*Future stocking plans include MN DNR stocking our lake with Walleye Fry on even years. And MLLPOA stocking fingerling on odd years

Summer 2016
MLLPOA met with the MN DNR

Lake Management Plan

600lbs of Walleye fingerling were introduced to Maple Lake

2020 Walleye Stocking Maple Lake MLLPOA
2020 Walleye Stocking Maple Lake MLLPOA
MLLPOA Walleye Stocking Maple Lake